
Blog: Blog

Tiny Homes Part 3: Current Builders and Technology

This article is part 3 in a multi-part series, please refer to the previous publications for an introduction to Tiny Homes and the history of tiny homes  Tiny Home Builder Examples Although the picture for tiny homes may seem bleak, I’ve had first-hand experience with a number of builders over the past several years: Haus: Though technically a US-based company, Haus predominantly...
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Tiny Homes Part 2: A Rocky Start

This article is part 2 in a multi-part series, please refer to the previous publication for an introduction to Tiny Homes     Bad actors make an already tough situation more difficult           A large amount of any new technology’s success relies heavily on its early implementors behaving in an ethical manner. Recent misstep...
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Tiny Homes Part 4: The Future

This article is part 4 in a multi-part series, please refer to the previous publications for an introduction to Tiny Homes, a history of tiny homes, as well as an overview of current builders and technology How tiny homes can become viable and successful While it may seem like there are too many obstacles for this young industry to overcome, a number of promising ideas point to a true expansion...
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Tiny Homes Part 1: What is a Tiny Home?

Tiny Homes: The Big Picture        A  huge amount of new information, new products, and new technology has been dumped into the world of manufactured housing in the last decade, all under the umbrella term known as “tiny homes.” Recently, however, the hype around these mythic structures has been starting to crumble, and the reality of what a tin...
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Saving Portland, Part 2: Real Solutions Right Now

Part 1  of this series focused on the challenge Portland faces regarding affordable housing, as well as the unique opportunities afforded by the city leadership to help solve this problem. Part 2 focuses more on the actual implementation of solutions and how, even with limited resources and capital, meaningful progress can be made. In Part 1, we looked at how the City of Portland has opened...
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Saving Portland, Part 1: We Have the Tools We Need to Act Now

Like so many of you, I love Portland. I still remember the first time I arrived as an adult and truly felt the city: its unique vibrancy, the funky chef-owned-chalk-board-sporting small restaurants, and the crazy cool retail stores that don't exist anywhere else. It was an experience like no other, but in the last 15 years I’ve watched as this once-magical city has started to fade. What ca...
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